Homeless Veterans To Get Help At Stand Down Event In Cherry Hill
September 20, 2023 - The SFC Robert H Yancey Sr STAND DOWN of SOUTH JERSEY will be held on Friday, September 22, 2023 from 8:30am – 1pm at the Cherry Hill Armory.
Entering its 27th year, one of the original founders of Stand Down of South Jersey, SFC Robert H. Yancey Sr, is fondly remembered.
Recognizing the needs of our homeless and at-risk veterans, Robert participated in every aspect of Stand Down activities up until his death in 2017.
After his death, the events name changed to include his name in honor of his dedication to our homeless veterans.
Originally a three-day event, the Stand Down was hosted at Fort Dix New Jersey. When it was changed to a one-day event, it was relocated to the Army National Guard Armory in Cherry Hill.
The event provides services to homeless veterans along with shelter, meals, clothing, and medical attention. Local Service Providers provide important information and help for the veterans and donations from local businesses aid in providing much needed supplies for them.
This event is entirely a volunteer effort. Every year there are over 150 volunteers that come out to help, many of them have been supporting this event for 10, 15 or 20 years.
Homeless veterans that would like to attend are asked to call 1-888-865-8387 and press 1 to pre-register.